New D+ card and NewCS
Yes, long time without entries in this blog, but my real life job is eating all my time, including the free time. Today I get a bunch of time to write this post.
This month spanish D+ is changing their SECA cards V9.0 (still secure) by a new one V10.0 (or A.0 ;) ) and I had received some emails saying that it works fine with PMCAM but NewCS (cardserver for DreamBox and others) fails to initialize the card. Well, NewCS works fine with this new card but you must disable SECAPPV feature in the configuration, this setting ONLY WORKS IN SECA1 cards, so cards with a version equal or bigger than 7.0 can not be set in AutoPPV mode and the only way to get a PPV event is extracting the card from DreamBox and put it in official received or PMCAM (PPV script active).
To change this setting in NewCS for DreamBox you can use Neveto software or manually using FTP. Edit the file "/var/tuxbox/config/newcs.xml" and look for an entry like this:
and change it by
now your NewCS should bootup correctly.
PS: To get PPV support in NewCS request to the authors of NewCS, to add PPV authorization instruction to the code. The implement should be quite easy, they only have to answer with a given instruction when ECM reports a specific status code, and this mode is fully compatible backwards for all SECA cards, SECA1, SECA2 and "SECA3", while the one used now (set the m80 register) only works in SECA1 (pre v7.0).
Good luck to everybody.
This month spanish D+ is changing their SECA cards V9.0 (still secure) by a new one V10.0 (or A.0 ;) ) and I had received some emails saying that it works fine with PMCAM but NewCS (cardserver for DreamBox and others) fails to initialize the card. Well, NewCS works fine with this new card but you must disable SECAPPV feature in the configuration, this setting ONLY WORKS IN SECA1 cards, so cards with a version equal or bigger than 7.0 can not be set in AutoPPV mode and the only way to get a PPV event is extracting the card from DreamBox and put it in official received or PMCAM (PPV script active).
To change this setting in NewCS for DreamBox you can use Neveto software or manually using FTP. Edit the file "/var/tuxbox/config/newcs.xml" and look for an entry like this:
and change it by
now your NewCS should bootup correctly.
PS: To get PPV support in NewCS request to the authors of NewCS, to add PPV authorization instruction to the code. The implement should be quite easy, they only have to answer with a given instruction when ECM reports a specific status code, and this mode is fully compatible backwards for all SECA cards, SECA1, SECA2 and "SECA3", while the one used now (set the m80 register) only works in SECA1 (pre v7.0).
Good luck to everybody.
Hi Joshy,
Newcs.i686 (1.3,1.5 and 1.6 too)and phoenix on COM has problem with initialization of new card D+ although SECAPPV set to No.
It work by this way:
Plug the card.
Start Newcs.
(wrong reset - reset failed)
Card out and back.
Start another Newcs.
(card i working).
Once card starts work, it work for several resets. When going wrong, then no way to start it without out/in - reset - the same way as descripted.
Log form serialwatcher show, that card in wrong gives bad bytes, probably communicates on other baudrate, or other parity.
The same situation with two comps and different phoenixes.
when ok
41 46 95 E8 C9 2E D2 55 20 41 4C 4C
F7 11 00 01 40 96 70 70 0A 0E 6C B6 D6 90 00
when wrong
41 46 95 E8 C9 2E 42 57 06 2E C6 C7 FF
41 C6 B2 BC 40 4E 3C 7C BC 7E BE 32 00 7C 80 70 3E CC
It seems to me, newcs sends some bytes to the serial port before initialization of the card. Sent message is not the same always, so there are two ways - long message form newcs - wrong init. Short message finishes before start of ATR back - right init.
(Newcs all versions, Mandrake 9.2, serial port, standard phoenix).
From my experience in PMCAM development the V10 cards needs a longer timeout specially in the ATR wait for. In my case pre V10 cards needs a 20 ms timeout +/- meanwhile V10 card needs around 100 as the very first byte of ATR takes a lot of time to be received.
No data must be sent to get ATR, only blink the reset line in the phoenix, so your bytes before ATR are nonsense which could mean a bug in the buffer handling in the COM port due the ATR timeout and read of noise in the buffer; but for sure it looks like a parity read error as some bits are swapped.
I found the reason.
(It is not the text NewCS sends to the card hexa text..."fuck you all"... as I thought at is send, by this is not the problem.)
When linux initializes serial port throug open() and uses standard serial.c driver, there exists very short pulse on RTS signal. Its length depends on speed of computer, old PII 120 MHz is about 10us, AMD K6 400 MHz is about 3-5 us, fast computer gives several hundreds nanosecond.
If the pulse is very short Merlin card is ok. Just in between app. 1us to 20us card goes to "third" state.
So my descripted problem comes only when:
1. Older slower computer.
2. Serial.c driver used (drivers for 8xCOM PCI cards has no such mistake and usaully patch all serial drivers).
3. Initialization of serial port with open().
Insert RC element in reset signal of phoenix. There is 100R protecting rezistor in reset, so for me it works with 10uF capacitor at reset pin of the card. This kills pulses shorter than 10us...and all problems are solved.
Im using version PMCAM 2.62, I enable script change reset to Restart bug, but it's no activating the event we bought.
Any idea?
i'm useing a hd reciever . it's much better than the other one's cause the receiving strength is bigger.
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