Poor Man's CAM 2.62 released
Poor Man's CAM 2.62 (SECA) has been released with this changes:
+ Added PC/SC readers support. Tested with Gemplus GemPC430 donated by Neil Daniels. Many thanks. Is this the first "Phoenix" plugin that handle PC/SC card readers ?
! Media Highway radio is working again but on channel "MÚSICA DIGITAL" of Digital+ (Astra 19.2e) on transponder 10847 V 22000.
! Fixed some special SECA naming.
! Fixed some copy to clipboard information (thx Cleo510).
Why nobody is using the Media Highway Radio module ? You can use it with or without a card inserted in PMCAM. Media Highway Radio will extract titles from the provider and rename and tag the generated MP2 files. Maybe the users like MP3 format instead MP2 ?
+ Added PC/SC readers support. Tested with Gemplus GemPC430 donated by Neil Daniels. Many thanks. Is this the first "Phoenix" plugin that handle PC/SC card readers ?
! Media Highway radio is working again but on channel "MÚSICA DIGITAL" of Digital+ (Astra 19.2e) on transponder 10847 V 22000.
! Fixed some special SECA naming.
! Fixed some copy to clipboard information (thx Cleo510).
Why nobody is using the Media Highway Radio module ? You can use it with or without a card inserted in PMCAM. Media Highway Radio will extract titles from the provider and rename and tag the generated MP2 files. Maybe the users like MP3 format instead MP2 ?
Hello, I have a question about descrambler 2.5. Can I descramble viaccess or only Nagra 1 2.
Yes you can with corresponding plugin, but this topic is about PMCAM ;-)
Never tested but you can use the NewCS (NewCardServer) plugin or Imagine beta 3, both as card servers and in example Yankse as a card client. It is a bit more complex than using a single plugin but it should work.
The PMCAM Nagra2 is currently "in pause" because I do not have time to work on it and the lack of an original card to test things makes the development process much more slower.
About NewCS (you need binary win32 version) you must configure it to read a N2 card in your phoenix port and configure boxkey and RSA (of your married decoder) and use Yankse as card client using same port and IP for both (usually, loopback or localhost). I will try to get an example configuration from somewhere.
PMCAM2 Nagra2 está actualmente "en pausa" por que no tengo tiempo para desarrollarlo a parte de que el no tener una tarjeta original de Nagra2 complica el proceso en exceso.
Sobre el NewCS, necesitas configurarlo para leer la tarjeta Nagra2 en el puerto phoenix además de la boxkey y la clave RSA de tu receptor (con el que está casada). El yankse lo usas como cliente de "card sharing" en el yankse.INI usando la misma IP para los dos (usualmente, loopback o localhost). Intentaré conseguir una configuración de ejemplo de algún lado.
joshyfun- if it would help speed up the developement of the PMCAM2 for nagra2 I would donate a North American card.....
Nagra2 PMCAM is now suspended. There are a lot of plugins (cardservers) which used in local mode provide the ability to watch and record the Nagra2 broadcasts.
Thank you about the offer of your NA card but as I can not receive the NA stream I'm in the same problem as with a down card.
Hello, is PMC 2.62 works with usb devices as "infinity usb phoenix unlimited" wich can emulate a port com. thanks a lot
It should work, but it depends how well the USB->COM emulator handles the signal management (signal lines, not data lines) in order to get the reset from the card.
If you get the card working in that hardware with other software like card checkers and others, it must work.
Please post feedback.
Might be a stupid question but I want to cover my back..
Does PMCAM support Conax cards?
No, sorry, PMCAM only supports SECA cards (the system that I have). For Conax you have several solutions, from cardservers like NewCS to plain plugins like CnxCAM.
Can you please help in finding nanos for Conax Cas5 card to read current authorized subscription / Event information. Thanks
Can I use 2 phoenix interfaces to use 2 cards (I dont want to swap cards when I change from one provider to the other). Both would use original SECA2 cards (Canal Digital NL and TV Vlaanderen)
Can I use 2 phoenix interfaces
Sorry, not with PMCAM. It has been designed with only one card in mind :( It could be done using a trick, loading the same plugin 2 times, one from the plugins folder and one from the root folder, if the application allow loading of MDPlugins from the two folders (but also you need a special compilation).
If your application is a DVBCore based one you can load PMCAM as a DVBCore plugin and another copy of PMCAM as MDPlugin each one configured to use a different COM port or PC/SC interface. This configuration does not need special compilation.
Josh, i live in brazil and there is a new satelite tv call VOCETV, its using i think the same system as dishnetwork, the smartcard is a SMARTCARD TVBA NAGRAVISION, so, when i try to read the card its always show NOCARD, i am using a PERTO Smart EMV 0 reader its a PC/SC, should i buy a infinity usb phoenix unlimited? Or its another problem?
Hello Erick I`m braziliam too I have one smartmouse phoenix.. we can do tests with voceTV.. please write to me at patriquepagano@gmail.com
Hello, I am spanish and now in Spain Digital+ for Astra has deliver a new grey card. I have put it on Phoenix with Poor Man´s CAM and i have only once be able to communicate with it (correct ATR and all card data- ppua, serial, PPV data, ..-), other times i have ATR= 00 00 .. 00 and no data about card. But I have never be able to see codificated channels. Does it works Poor Man´s CAM with this new grey card?
Thnak you.
I had received my gray card today, but not tested. But as it seens to be a 10.x series card it should work but you must raise the timeouts in the phoenix tabs to a value around 100. Cards > 9.3 seens to be quite slow answering to ATR.
Thank you for your answer about Poor Man´s CAM and spanish D+ new grey card.
Are you from Spain and it is possible to leave comments in spanish or is it better in english?
I have made what you say, put both time out in Phoenix tab to 100 and it is OK but I have to put the tick "Act as a deco" or something similar, is ti Ok? What are this options fod (blocker, logger, deco, ..?
I do not know what it is the right configuration (active or nor) for "Send to the card INS for your serial number" and "Send to the card the INS for this provider", I have it deactivated and iti is working, but it seems more logical to have it activate for the instructions to reach the card, no? what is it the right configuration? You say "the received INS for your card targetted using your unique serial number will be sent to the card and logged, otherwise they will only be logged", but if the INS are not sent to the card, how the card is able to answer and hoe is it possible to see the encrypted channels?.
Can Poor Man´s CAM work with usb pc/sc smart card readers? You say that "Added PC/SC readers support. Tested with Gemplus GemPC430 donated by Neil Daniels", so it seems that it works, but where and how do you select in the plugin the usb port?
Thank you a lot.
If you select the option "Act as a decoder" PMCAM will autosetup the settings to match as close as possible as a real decoder, this means, decrypt channels (if possible) and pass all EMM (management information like key updated) to the card.
The "blocker" style is used by users when they request the down from the service, this way the card will work for one or two months more as the down management message will never reach the card.
ECM messages (the ones that clear the image) are always sent to the card without any kind of filtering, only EMM messages can be sent or not.
PC/SC interfaces are supported (if the PC/SC supports the card of course, but with SECA almost all of them works). To select the PC/SC interface you must close your DVB application, connect the PC/SC interface and restart the DVB application, now in the phoenix tab click in the "COM port" selector box and your PC/SC should be visible as the last option. As PC/SC can be dynamically present if the selected PC/SC is not present when PMCAM starts it will fall back to the first COM port available.
PS: You can also write spanish comments but as the board is mostly english to cover more people, try to at least provide a brief description of your message in english (if possible, of course).
Thank you a lot.
So, if i understand well, if you want to use the phoenix+Poor Man´s CAM instead of official decoder you have to select "Act as a decoder" and so, all INS, EMM and EMC are sent to the card without filtering. So, the card is updated and i do not need to put it on the official decoder from time to time, is it OK?
The options "Send to the card INS for your serial number" and similar are applied when you have CAM as blocker and you want to let some INS to be sent to the card, is it?
I am going to test usb pc/sc smart card reader.
Thank you again. You are helping me a lot.
Excuse me again.
Hello, I am FERNANDO
I have installed progDVB Standard (free) and i have a problem with Poor Man´s CA: every time i change channel i have to pick Plugin -> PMCAM -> Active two times (i think one is for deactivate and the other one to activate it).
If i do this, i see it ok; if not it is no pssible to see the new encrypted channel.
I see that Active never has the tick indicated if it is activated or not (in previous progDVB version it has or not a tick before Active)
Thank you
This problem is mostly a ProgDVB bug in the 5.x series, the author decides to change the internal engine and since the very first versions a lot of problems with plugins arise.
I do not know exactly which one is the problem with it, as on each version the problem seems to be different. I'll try to catch-up the problem without breaking compatibility with other software as ProgDVB is the only one that shows this odd behavior.
OK. With progDVB 4.85.3 there is no problem and all works right.
I had a problem with 4.85.3 progDVB (the screen was divided horizontally in two parts with the same picture in both), but it was a codecs problem. I have changed filters and now all is OK.
Nevertheless, if it is possible and easy to make changes to Poor Man´s CAM to use it with progDVB 5.x, I think it will be usefull (to use the features of progDVB last version).
I have use an USB PC/SC smart card reader and it works fine.
In both, phoenix and pc/sc, from time to time there is no communication between card and Poor Man´s CAM (ATR 00 00 ..00); switching progDVB or snart card reader or PC on/off, it finally works, but I do not konw what could be the problem.
Thank you.
Hi there, I'd like to know if there is a way to speed up channel switching by somehow "forcing" pmcam to use the right ECM instead of cycling through them?
Seems for each channel a specific ECM ID is being used for decryption. Am I wrong?
And another question in the hope someone will be able to answer :)
When a cat5 program is aired (18+ kind of thing, most of the time it's porn) it's not decrypted anymore.
As I understand it, when that happens on a regular satbox, it asks for a parental code. Is there a way to send that code either automatically or have something asking for it? a script? that'd be neat.
If you hosting program allows you to define a default ECM PID for each channel (like ProgDVB and others) set this field to the ECM of that channel, and PMCAM will try that ECM PID at first even before read the PMT table.
It can be done automatically using the default script. There is a commend out block:
{* Used to autothorize the view if the card have theevent purchased, or you have enought JetONS to buy current event. Use it with care!!!.
remove the "*}" below this lines and put if just after the "!!!." symbols and activate the scripts and the automatical purchase is activated.
This INS is intented for JetOns, AKA PPV events, but I think you are talking about a child protect that works in France (at least) so your instruction could be a bit different. Try this ones:
C1 30 00 02 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 XX XX FF
where XX XX is you PIN code in decimal format (do not convert to hexadecimal).
This one seems to unlock adult content (with valid subscription, of course):
C1 30 00 02 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 XX XX 02
This is a link to a document an user write for me about different "unlock" INS to be added to the script and a explain of each action:
A lot of thanks to trace007 for this big and almost perfect work.
Thanks for your answer; sadly dvbviewer doesn't have the option to set a specific ECM for a channel, so I'm a bit stuck there.
It takes 10 seconds to switch from one HD channel to the other, and even though my wife doesn't say so, she's mad at me about this :)
I've been reading around a while ago about it and I believe someone was saying that using yanksee along with PMCAM could be a solution, as in yanksee you can use an ECM cache. But I wonder how this would work; who's got the information first in that case?
Is there a way you could add the same kind of mechanism in PMCAM?
I checked the sources, sadly I'm not into Delphi at all :)
It would probably help a lot of people given dvbviewer is probably the best frontend on windows.
PMCAM version 3, doesn't it have a nice ring to it??? ;)
alright, I've installed Delphi, got the sources, and managed to build it.
So my plans are to store the latest working ECM for each channel (in the INI probably?) and try it first, then revert to the cycling if it's not working.
It's hard to say it's gonna work without knowing the code, but I don't see why it wouldn't? Anyway, trial & error will lead me there hopefully.
by the way, given this is moderated and I'm not sure I'm ready to handle hosts of requests for the updated stuff if somehow I manage to make it work, feel free to not approve my earlier post (and this one neither), and contact me directly via zeflash@g m a i l.com.
Technical conversations might not be of interest on such a board...
to joshyfun, not to be published. If you read it :)
I've modified the sources to save the following pair:
channel.SID = ECM_PID
in PM2.INI whenever a proper ECM is found in the PMT.
Then, in OnChannelChanged after the usual "use default ECM step" I check the INI for a value and use it if found.
It made my channel switching time go down drastically [grin]
I believe that it makes sense to do it that way, given it's ultimately PMCAM's (or any CAM's for that matter) responsability to look for the proper ECM, right?
If I used a hardware CAM with dvbviewer I wouldn't set any ECM via the program - I can't - yet channel switching is supposedly fast this way. OR is it? I don't know :)
Anyway, right now I'm fine with my changes, if you want the modified source file or do it your way or distribute a new version ... send me a mail at zeflash@g m a i l.com.
I found a small pbm reading bug with A.0 cards:
in USECAManager.pas
should be
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