Poor Man's CAM 2.62 released
Poor Man's CAM 2.62 (SECA) has been released with this changes:
+ Added PC/SC readers support. Tested with Gemplus GemPC430 donated by Neil Daniels. Many thanks. Is this the first "Phoenix" plugin that handle PC/SC card readers ?
! Media Highway radio is working again but on channel "MÚSICA DIGITAL" of Digital+ (Astra 19.2e) on transponder 10847 V 22000.
! Fixed some special SECA naming.
! Fixed some copy to clipboard information (thx Cleo510).
Why nobody is using the Media Highway Radio module ? You can use it with or without a card inserted in PMCAM. Media Highway Radio will extract titles from the provider and rename and tag the generated MP2 files. Maybe the users like MP3 format instead MP2 ?
+ Added PC/SC readers support. Tested with Gemplus GemPC430 donated by Neil Daniels. Many thanks. Is this the first "Phoenix" plugin that handle PC/SC card readers ?
! Media Highway radio is working again but on channel "MÚSICA DIGITAL" of Digital+ (Astra 19.2e) on transponder 10847 V 22000.
! Fixed some special SECA naming.
! Fixed some copy to clipboard information (thx Cleo510).
Why nobody is using the Media Highway Radio module ? You can use it with or without a card inserted in PMCAM. Media Highway Radio will extract titles from the provider and rename and tag the generated MP2 files. Maybe the users like MP3 format instead MP2 ?